Fitness apps I use |

Not everyone has a gym membership or a personal trainer . Fitness just got personal with all the fitness apps available. I personally live with these apps 24*7 . Here are some of my all-time favorites:


PUMPUP: First of all the good old pumpup. It is an Instagram for fitness. You make your own workouts by personalizing each move and the number of reps. In short, it is a fitness heaven. I have been using it for a year now and I’ve never been happier . You can workout 5 minutes or 90 minutes , it all depends on what you want 🙂

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MY FITNESS PAL: I use this app when I need to know how many calories a certain food has . I don’t count calories but I like to track food sometimes. It helps me to control my excess sugar intake and increase my protein levels. I track my macros and micros with ‘my fitness pal’.

3.Butterfly-Twists-Best-Fitness-Running-Apps-Nike-Running.jpgNIKE RUNNING +: This is not only one of my fav fitness apps but one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE apps generally. I track my runs with this, it motivates me and it has an option called ‘Coach’ which generates a running programme based on your fitness level . I just LOVE it and highly recommend it.

4. 7 MINUTE WORKOUT APP: I recommend this app to the people who are workout newbies. This is an effective workout plan consisting only of HIIT  workouts . It has a classic, ab and a butt workout unlocked based on your consistency.


WATER DRINK REMINDER: I use this app to track my water intake as I feel dehydrated a lot of times. It is amazing. It asks for details like age, height, weight etc and formulates how much water you need everyday and then reminds you every hour to drink water. Plus , it has all the cute containers to track your water intake . ❤


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